
Wireless tower

Utilities need to connect a variety of substations, towers, pumping stations, waste treatments plants, etc., in remote and isolated locations to the corporate network.  Our system engineers design and build high-capacity wireless network environments using the most advanced wireless technologies that are reliable, available, scalable, flexible, and secure ― and considerably more cost effective compared to fiber or copper-leased lines.

LTW’s team of engineers has substantial experience designing, deploying, and maintaining integrated data/communications networks that:

  • Provide fast, secure, and reliable transmission of your mission critical-grade data from multiple substations and field locations to your headquarters and/or control and data centers.
  • Integrate your legacy technologies through interoperability with existing SCADA, distribution automation and management, load management and demand response, and energy management systems, as well as various intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) from disparate vendors.
  • Deliver enterprise security solutions protecting your data and physical assets.

The Network

Our experts can design and implement high-bandwidth, high-speed wireless networks utilizing:

  • Point-to-multipoint: interconnecting multiple locations through LOS and non-LOS operations.

Ensuring security inside and outside the network

LTW creates customized, multifaceted, end-to-end integrated solutions that secure your network and can provide physical security for your facilities.

Our Network solutions are designed to protect your data.

  • Strong encryption and multiple levels of authentication
  • Wireless intrusion prevention systems
  • Up-to-date firewalls and anti-virus software
Security cameras

Video Surveillance

LTW’s physical security solutions help protect your property and increase efficiency, faster response time, and an overall higher level of security. Video can be aggregated and shared with other networks, utilities, or agencies for city- or county-wide security operations. Providing:

  • Video surveillance for building/theft protection, street-level security, and public-space monitoring
  • Monitoring solutions using the latest high-definition digital and IP-based cameras, high-capacity digital-video recording systems, and command-center applications
  • Applications for access-control, visitor-management and license-plate recognition

Ready to get started?

Contact LTW today at sales@ltw.com or 973-882-9885, for more information.